

Monero (XMR) Deposit & Withdrawal Suspension

CoinEx2018-10-17 09:43:43

Dear CoinEx users,

We would like to inform all XMR asset holders that the Monero (Token: XMR) hard fork will be activated at block height #1685555 around Oct 17th, 2018 (UTC). To upgrade Monero nodes, we have suspended XMR deposit and withdrawal.

XMR deposit and withdrawal suspension: 9:00 Oct 17th, 2018 (UTC)

We will resume XMR deposit and withdrawal as soon as XMR nodes are successfully upgraded in CoinEx.

Please be noted that during deposit and withdrawal suspension:

1. Please DO NOT DEPOSIT XMR during the suspension to avoid any unnecessary asset loss!
2. XMR trading and "Inter-user Transfer" in CoinEx will not be affected and users can transfer their XMR assets between different CoinEx accounts.

We are careful and responsible when it comes to selecting up-and-coming blockchain trading varieties and we will continue with our commitment to delivering professionalism and more cryptocurrency trading choices with good investment potential.

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