


KKEX2018-04-13 17:54:08



「KKEX」支持 eosDAC 糖果空投,并于 April 15th 2018, 01:00:00 UTC 时间点(北京时间2018.4.15  AM 9:00)为EOS持币用户快照,为持有EOS的用户按照 1:1 空投 eosDAC 代币。

  「KKEX」已于2018.4.16 开放糖果领取,有糖果权益的用户:

「KKEX」将在为EOS持币用户快照后,预先发放每位用户的糖果权益。并于eosDAC官方团队正式发放糖果后尽快开放eosDAC/EOS交易对,  确保用户在领取到糖果后可尽快操作交易。

「KKEX」 需待 eosDAC 官方团队区块链上线后,并结合交易所团队开发对接进度,再择期开放。具体时间以后续公告为准。

如果您不确定如何领取eosDAC 糖果,您可以在快照前将EOS充入「KKEX」账户。「KKEX」会为您领取相应份额糖果,用户无需担心资产安全。

KKEX 风险提示:
eosDAC 其区块链上线时间取决于eosDAC 开发团队。做为新区块链资产,开盘后短期内价格可能存在剧烈波动风险,投资前望您对数字资产充分认知,理性判断投资能力,审慎做出投资决策。根据自身风险承受能力决定是否参与。


币信 聊天群号:12017
QQ 聊天群号:433395909




【The announcement on Prelaunching eosDAC/EOS Trading Pair 】

KKEX will support eosDAC airdrop and eosDAC will be dropped at 1:1 ratio based on the amount of EOS.

According to eosDAC official announcements, KKEX will take snapshots of users’ EOS holdings at 9:00.am (Beijing time), April 15th, 2018. After receiving eosDAC, KKEX will send the eosDAC tokens to the users accordingly.

After the snapshot, KKEX will distribute the eosDAC tokens to the users in advance. In order to facilitate the trading, KKEX will launch the eosDAC/EOS trading pair as soon as possible. 

When the eosDAC team launches the main net, KKEX will dock the development process with the eosDAC team, then to enable the deposit and withdrawal features. Please be patient, you will be informed by our official announcements. 

If you don't know well how to claim the eosDAC tokens, please deposit your EOS in KKEX, we save all your problems and you will receive the promised eosDAC tokens in time.

Risk Warning: 

KKEX assumes no liability or responsibility for and shall have no liability or responsibility for any losses directly or indirectly arising out of or related to your use of or trading on any assets. Moreover, eosDAC is a new blockchain asset, its price has a high volatility, therefore we highly recommend that please be fully aware of the risks of investing, and consider well if you can bear the risks.

Bixin Chat group No.:12017
QQ Chat group No.:433395909
Telegram English chat group: https://t.me/KKEnglishChat


   Apr. 13, 2018

