

Gate.io Startup Initial Offering-DAO SHO Project - Resource Finance(SOURCE)

Gateio2021-11-15 18:18:58

Gate.io has launched Startup, a platform that aims to provideusers with access to innovative and advanced projects. Traders now have moreopportunities to make an initial investment.

Gate.io Startup will launch another DAO SHO project-ResourceFinance(SOURCE),sale on Nov 17 th , 2021 at 10:00 AM UTC.

Startup Link: https://www.gate.io/en/startup/278


ReSource facilitates trade networks on which businesses canaccess uncolatorized credit at 0% interest.

Participants in the ReSource network form a multi-sided lendingsystem in which businesses extend credit to each other while monetizing theirunused resources.

Over 200 businesses have already accessed over $600K credit at0% interest and new ones are joining daily.


Ticker: SOURCE

Blockchain Network:Celo

Token Supply:100,000,000

Initial Token Circulation: 3,981,800

Sale Rounds Prices & Vesting

Seed Round

Price: $0.233

Lockup:12 months cliff, 33% on the 12th month, then 2.7917% on amonthly basis

Influencer Round:


Lockup: 20% at TGE, 3 months cliff, then 5% on a monthly basis

Private Round:

Price: $0.383

Lockup: 12 months cliff, then 8.333% on a monthly basis



Lockup: 20% at TGE, 3 months cliff, then 20% on a quarterlybasis


Seed Round: 7.29%

Accelerator/partnerships: 2.2%

Influencer Round: 1.5%

Private Sale: 5%

SEED SHO: 3.33%

Staking & Liquidity & MM: 35.68%

Foundation: 10%

Team: 15%

Partners & Advisors: 3%

Marketing: 2.5%

Ecosystem Fund: 2%

Reserve: 12.5%

Website: https://resource.finance/

Important Notice about Gate.io Startup Sale for ReSource Finance(SOURCE)

1.Startup supply: 222,222 SOURCE; Price: $0.450

Vesting: 20% at TGE, 3 months cliff, then 20% on a quarterlybasis

2.Payment currency: USDG, Lockup currency: DAO

3.Eligible participants: agree to lock up DAO for a period of 10days. Individual cap is 40K DAO.

4.Token distribution: participants get a proportional amount ofSOURCE tokens to their share of DAO tokens locked up on Gate.io.

5. SOURCE tokens will not be released until the Token GenerationEvent. Users won’t get any token immediately after the Gate.io startup sale.

6.The startup sale is designed for ReSource Finance’s DAO MakerSHO portion.

7.The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. The project teamdoes not guarantee that the token price will not be lower than SHO price.Please invest with caution, and don't invest beyond your financial capacity.

Rulesof ReSource Finance ’s DAO SHO Portion Sale on Gate.io’s Startup:

(1) Order Duration: Nov 17th, 10:00:00 AM-Nov 18th, 2:00 AM UTC

(2) To participate in Startup Sale, users should agree to lockDAO for a period of 10 days.

(3) The price is $0.450 per SOURCE

(4) Users can place orders by agreeing to locking up DAO for 10days

(5) Users can place orders from Nov 17th 10:00:00 AM – Nov18th 2:00 AM UTC. Orders placed by qualified users within these hourswill be treated equally.

(6) Users need to ensure that there is sufficient balance of DAO(the full amount you agree to lockup for 10 days) and USDG (amount to pay fornew tokens actually received) in accounts after placing the orders. Aninsufficient DAO or USDG balance will result in the cancellation of thepurchase order.

(7) Each individual can only purchase once with an accountpassing KYC.

(8) After Nov 18th, 2:00 AM UTC, we will collect all thequalified orders and calculate the result and announce the result in 2 hours.USDG to pay for participant’s SOURCE token purchase will be deducted from theparticipant’s account and the amount of DAO the participant agrees to lockupwhen placing orders will be locked for 10 days. Participants will receive aproportional amount of SOURCE tokens to their share of DAO tokens locked up onGate.io according to the token release schedule.

Example(withhypothetical data):

If the total DAO locked by all startup sale participants is 20,000DAO. The total supply of new tokens offered on Gate.io startup sale is 1,000,000new tokens. Token price is 0. 1 USDG per token. Participants are required tolock DAO for a period of 15 days.

If User A agreed to lock 500 DAO (by placing order) for aperiod of 15 days. Then,

User A’s share of the new tokens (also his share of DAO locked):500/20,000=2.5%

Users A will receive new tokens: 2.5%X 1,000,000=25,000 newtokens.

User A’s USDG payment: the actual new token user A will receiveX token price: 25,000X0. 1=2500 USDG.

Afterthe sale, user A’s 500 DAO will be locked for 15 days.

And USDG for purchase of the new tokens will be deducted fromUser A’s spot account balance.


(1) Countries not supported: Afghanistan, Albania, Belarus,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Burma, Canada, China, Democratic Republic ofCongo, Cuba, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Liberia,Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan,Somalia, Syria, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, UnitedStates of America, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

For users from other countries, please check and make sure yourparticipation in the token sale on Startup complies with local laws andregulations.

(2) Risk Warning:

- The start-up project is still in its initial stage, factorsincluding the operation and underlying technology of the project, and otherrelated regulatory activities might contribute to significant risks.

- Advanced technical and financial knowledge is required tounderstand, and e valuate the inherent risks of crypto-asset investment.

- The market volatility is high, and the price of a token mightfluctuate drastically due to technical, regulatory, and marketing factors.

- Users may not be able to withdraw all the purchased tokens dueto technical issues of the project or Gate.io.

(3) Requirements for participants

- The participant should register on Gate.io and Log in;

- After logging in, complete user identity verification;

- Deposit a certain amount of cryptocurrencies in your gate.ioaccount;

-Sign the Purchase Agreement on Startup before placing orders.

