

Gate.io Startup Initial Free Offering: Integritee (TEER) and Announcement of Fre

Gateio2021-11-28 18:51:08

About Gate.io Startup Free Airdrop Program: Inorder to reward platform users
Gate.io launched the "Startup Project Free Airdrop Program." Freeairdrops for excellent blockchain projects are launched in the Startup areafrom time to time. VIP and GT users can get a variety of tokens via airdropbenefits.
Gate.io Startup will launch its next project, Integritee (TEER), on November30th, 2021 at 06:00 AM(UTC).
Startup Link:https://www.gate.io/en/startup

Introduction to Integritee (TEER)
The Integritee platform enables firms and dApps to process their users’ data ina privacy-preserving manner that aids compliance with GDPR and other privacyregulations. Integritee enables firms and dApps using its service to prove thatall privacy-related requirements have been respected. Integritee is a systemthat enables developers and firms to unlock the value of sensitive data bycombining the trust of Polkadot, the scalability of second-layer sidechains,and the confidentiality of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) hardware.
(The information below is provided by the Integritee team. Please follow thewebsite for more information

Token Information
Token name: Integritee Token
Token symbol: TEER
Max Supply: 10,000,000 TEER
Token Type: Mainnet
Token Contract: N/A
Token Distribution and Unlocking Rules:

*Founders: 5%
0% TGE, monthly unlock for 48 months
*Treasury: 5%
Decide by on-chain governance
*Ecosystem development and employee compensation: 25%
10% TGE, linear unlock for 12 months
*Rewards for supporters of parachain slot auction bids: 30%
Linear release over the slot lease period
*Early adopter: 35%
10% TGE, monthly unlock for 12 months
Website: https://integritee.network/
Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/60c21bdfde439ba700ea5c56/612892db018a36f054100b4d_Integritee%20AG%20Lightpaper.pdf
Token Information: N/A

Integritee Startup Sale Rules
(1) Duration: 06:00 AM on November 30th (UTC), 2021 - 06:00 AM on December 1st(UTC), 2021. (Orders placed by qualified users within these 24 hours will betreated equally.)
(2) To participate in the Startup Sale, users will need to be VIP1 and above.
(3) Price: $0; Public Sale Price: $7; Startup Supply: 21,500 TEER
(4) Purchase limit: The maximum subscription limit for a single user is 1000shares; the relationship between the VIP level and the maximum subscriptionallocation is:
the maximum number of subscriptions (not the final actual subscription number)= the square of the VIP level multiplied by 10. For example:
VIP2 users can subscribe up to 2 * 2 * 10 = 40 shares
VIP3 users can subscribe up to 3 * 3 * 10 = 90 shares
(5) Unlocking Rule: Unlock
(6) Users place orders using USDT.
(7) Users can place orders from 06:00 AM on November 30th (UTC), 2021 - 06:00AM on December 1st (UTC), 2021. Orders placed by qualified users within these24 hours will be treated equally.
(8) Users need to ensure that there is sufficient balance (exceeding thepurchase value) in accounts for the purchase after placing the orders until weannounce the sale result. An insufficient balance will result in thecancellation of the purchase order.
(9) Each type of currency can only be purchased once with each KYC account.
(10) After 06:00 AM on December 1st (UTC), we will collect all the qualifiedorders and distribute the tokens according to the ratio of the individualpurchase orders to the purchase orders in total.
(11) Trading starts time: 08:00 AM on December 1st (UTC), 2021

Gate.io Labs Investment Participating Disclosure
Gate.io Labs invested in Integritee

(1) Countries not supported: Afghanistan, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Burundi, Burma, Canada, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba,Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya,Macedonia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Thailand,Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States of America,Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
For users from other countries, please check and make sure that yourparticipation in the token sale on Startup complies with local laws and regulations.
(2) Risk Warning:
- The project team does not guarantee that the token price will not be lowerthan its startup sale price. Please invest with caution, and don't investbeyond your financial capacity.
- The start-up project is still in its initial stage, factors including theoperation and underlying technology of the project, and other relatedregulatory activities might contribute to significant risks.
- Advanced technical and financial knowledge is required to understand, andevaluate the inherent risks of crypto-asset investment.
- The market volatility is high, and the price of a token might fluctuatedrastically due to technical, regulatory, and marketing factors.
- Users may not be able to withdraw all the purchased tokens due to technicalissues of the project or Gate.io.
(3) Requirements for participants
- The participant should register on Gate.io and Log in;
- After logging in, complete user identity verification;
- Deposit a certain amount of cryptocurrencies in your gate.io account;
- Sign the Purchase Agreement on Startup before placing orders.

Gate will open an Automated Market Maker (AMM ) for TEER, and launch an AMM"liquidity-mining" rewards. Users who provide market liquidity byinserting liquidity in will get rewards from the liquidity pool transaction feeand GT token rewards from the liquidity reward pool. High annual rate rewardswith security.
AMM Trading Market and AMMLiquidity Mining
Gate.io has launched a new version of the liquidity pool (centralized automatedmarket maker (AMM) transaction service) on August 1st, 2021 by allowing most ofthe new currency and non-mainstream currency markets to obtain the sameliquidity advantage as Uniswap, and allows users to enjoy the low-cost andhigh-quality user experience of the centralized platform. Gate.io will continueto add different currencies, please pay close attention to follow-upannouncements.
The rules for markets to upgrade to the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model areas follows:
1) Fixed 0.3% commission fee for both Taker and Maker (temporarily consistentwith Uniswap, subject to the needs of both market parties)
2) A fixed percentage (such as 50%) of the transaction fee will automaticallybe changed into GT through the open market and put into the AMM Reward Pool.
3) Anyone can become a liquidity provider (LP) and get the transaction feerewards from the liquidity pool and the GT rewards that are invested in theliquidity bonus pool.
4) Liquidity providers provide liquidity to the market, but they need to bearin mind the risk of impermanent losses. For example, if the market pricedoubles, the impermanence loss is about 7%, and if the market price drops backto the original point, the impermanence loss disappears.
5) Liquidity providers can take the bonus and withdraw at any time

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Gate.io Team

Nov 28th, 2021

