

Gate.io Startup Initial Offering-DAO SHO Project- ShopNEXT (NEXT)-Announcements

Gateio2021-11-29 16:41:17

Gate.io has launchedStartup, a platform that aims to provide users with access to innovative andadvanced projects. Traders now have more opportunities to make an initialinvestment.

Gate.io Startup willlaunch another DAO SHO-ShopNEXT (NEXT) Sale on Nov 30, 2021 at10:00 AM UTC.

Startup Link: https://www.gate.io/en/startup/

Project Introduction

ShopNEXT is aShop-to-Earn Crypto Onboarding Platform promoted by Binance. They onboard newcrypto users by rewarding them with free crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, USDT)when shopping at ShopNEXT partners.

In addition, forevery shopping transaction, ShopNEXT also rewards users extra NEXT, thecryptocurrency issued by ShopNEXT. Users can sell NEXT on the DEX and CEXexchanges to make money. The Shop-To-Earn model ShopNEXT wants to build up is aworld-first.

ShopNEXT is backedby Shopiness, the top cashback platform in Vietnam. Shopiness currently has700.000 users and 100.000 MAU, who generate $4M GMV from 1M transactionsmonthly. ShopNEXT has already partnered with more than 600 local and globalmerchant brands such as: Shopee, Lazada, Amazon, Adidas, Booking.com, etc.

Token Information


Total Supply:100,000,000 NEXT

Initial circulation:59,291,667 NEXT

Blockchain Network:BSC

Token Distribution:

Angel Round: 3%

VC Round: 15%


Company Reserve: 15%

Staking, liquidity,MM & Incentives: 10%

Team: 18%

Partners, Advisors,& Consultants: 2%

Marketing,Acquisitions, & Licenses: 10%

Price & Lockupfor Sale Rounds

Angel RoundPrice:$0.010

Lock-up:15% unlockedon TGE, 3 months cliff, then 4.25% monthly

VC RoundPrice:$0.015

Lock-up:15% unlockedon TGE, 3 months cliff, then 4.25% monthly

SHO Price:$0.015

Lock-up:25% unlockedon TGE, 3 months cliff, then 25% monthly

Website: https://shopnext.io

Important Noticeabout Gate.io Startup Sale for ShopNEXT (NEXT)

1.Startup supply:4,000000 NEXT;Price:$0.015

Vesting: 25% on TGE,3 months cliff, then 25% monthly

2.Payment currency:USDG, Lockup currency: DAO

3.Eligibleparticipants: agree to lock up DAO for a period of 10 days. Individual cap is20K DAO.

4.Tokendistribution: participants get a proportional amount of NEXT tokens to theirshare of DAO tokens locked up on Gate.io.

5.The NEXT tokenswill not be released until the Token Generation Event. Users won’t get anytoken immediately after the Gate.io startup sale.

6.The startup saleis designed for ShopNEXT’ DAO Maker SHO portion.

7.The cryptocurrencymarket is highly volatile. The project team does not guarantee that the tokenprice will not be lower than SHO price. Please invest with caution, and don'tinvest beyond your financial capacity.

Rules of ShopNEXT’sDAO SHO Portion Sale on Gate.io’s Startup

(1) Order Duration:Nov 30th, 10:00:00 AM-December 1st, 2:00 AM UTC

(2) To participatein Startup Sale, users should agree to lock up DAO for a period of 10 days.

(3) The price is$0.015

(4) Users can placeorders by agreeing to locking up DAO for 10 days

(5) Users can placeorders from November 30th, 10:00:00 AM – December 1st, 2:00 AM UTC. Ordersplaced by qualified users within these hours will be treated equally.

(6) Users need toensure that there is sufficient balance of DAO (the full amount you agree tolockup for 10 days) and USDG (amount to pay for new tokens actually received)in accounts after placing the orders. An insufficient DAO or USDG balance willresult in the cancellation of the purchase order.

(7) Each individualcan only purchase once with an account passing KYC.

(8) After December1st, 2:00 AM UTC, we will collect all the qualified orders and calculate theresult and announce the result in 2 hours. USDG to pay for participant’s NEXT token purchase will be deducted from the participant’s account and theamount of DAO the participant agrees to lockup when placing orders will be lockedfor 10 days. Participants will receive a proportional amount of NEXT tokens totheir share of DAO tokens locked up on Gate.io according to the token releaseschedule.

Example(withhypothetical data and conditions ):

If the total DAOlocked by all startup sale participants is 20,000 DAO. The total supply of newtokens offered on Gate.io startup sale is 1,000,000 new tokens. Token price is0. 1 USDG per token. Participants are required to lock DAO for a period of 15days.

If User A agreed tolock 500 DAO (by placing order) for a period of 15 days. Then,

User A’s share ofthe new tokens (also his share of DAO locked): 500/20,000=2.5%

Users A will receivenew tokens: 2.5%X 1,000,000=25,000 new tokens.

User A’s USDGpayment: the actual new token user A will receive X token price: 25,000X0.1=2500 USDG

After the sale, userA’s 500 DAO will be locked for 15 days.

And USDG forpurchase of the new tokens will be deducted from User A’s spot account balance.


(1) Countries notsupported: Afghanistan, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi,Burma, Canada, China (Taiwan), Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, Ethiopia,Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia,Malaysia, New Zealand, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Thailand,Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States of America,Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

For users from othercountries, please check and make sure your participation in the token sale onStartup complies with local laws and regulations.

(2) Risk Warning:

- The start-upproject is still in its initial stage, factors including the operation andunderlying technology of the project, and other related regulatory activitiesmight contribute to significant risks.

- Advanced technicaland financial knowledge is required to understand, and uate the inherent risksof crypto-asset investment.

- The marketvolatility is high, and the price of a token might fluctuate drastically due totechnical, regulatory, and marketing factors.

- Users may not beable to withdraw all the purchased tokens due to technical issues of theproject or Gate.io.

(3) Requirements forparticipants

- The participantshould register on Gate.io and Log in;

- After logging in,complete user identity verification;

- Deposit a certainamount of cryptocurrencies in your gate.io account;

- Sign the PurchaseAgreement on Startup before placing orders.

