

GateChain Mainnet Upgrade V1.1.1-Announcements-Gate.io</title> <meta name="d

Gateio2021-11-29 17:40:35

- GateChain consensus version v1.1.1 is available. All nodes participating in the consensus need to upgrade their node binary no later than Nov 30, 2021.
- Scheduled upgrade date: 2021.11.30
- Please refer to the GateChain documentation to upgrade: https://www.gatechain.io/docs/en/developers/gatechain-build/
- GateChain upgrade consensus: for GateChain updated consensus version, when one consensus participating node uses the new binary, it casts a vote for the network upgrade. If the number of votes exceeds the threshold after a whole block validating round, the new consensus is reached throughout the whole network; if there are still consensus nodes that have not been upgraded to the latest version, they will not be able to continue to participate in consensus.
- Change log:
- Upgrade the consensus version to v1.1.
- User can participate in GateChain Mainnet delegated mining by EVM.
- The subion event of Gatemint has optimized and the log level changed.
- Bug fix.
- Please upgrade your node by downloading the newest version as soon as possible to avoid the con-account off-line.

Resources related to GateChain-EVM and Hipo:

1. GateChain-EVM:
1. Deploy Node:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/developers/gatechain-build/
2. PoS:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/developers/gatechain-pos/
3. RPC node:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/rpc-node-list/
4. GateScan:https://gatescan.org/?lang=en_US
5. Various ecological tools:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/tool/
6. Exchange:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/gatechain-platform/
2. HipoSwap:
1. Website:https://www.hipo.com/gatechain/en/
2. GateSwap:
1. Use guide:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/gateswap/
2. GateSwap Contract:
1. GateswapV2Factory: 0x98f7e29fc0Be0d4e6666972EAFB605155C8Fb8B5
2. GateswapV2Router02:0xF04c414d736c4bb4B7fC32843c6d35f9a9A8b216
3. GateBridge:
1. Use guide:https://www.gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/gatebridge-use/
2. Register Cross-chain Token:https://www.hipo.com/gatechain/en/tokenmapping/
3. Cross-chain:https://www.hipo.com/gatechain/en/gatebridge/
4. Core principles:https://gatechain.io/docs/en/integration/gatebridge-principles/
3. Metamask wallet configuration
1. Network: GateChain
2. RPC URL: https://evm.gatenode.cc
3. Chain ID: 86
4. Symbol: GT
5. Block Explorer URL: https://gatescan.org/?lang=en_US
4. Request testnet EVM address GT token:https://gatescan.org/testnet/faucet?lang=en_US
5. EVM Wrapped GT Token Contract(WGT): 0x672f30407A71fa8737A3A14474ff37E09c7Fc44a
6. Mainnet upgrade ChangeLog: https://gatechain.io/news?lng=en
