2021-04-27 09:38:56
TriumphX, a cross-chain decentralized NFT platform developer, said that it has signed an MOU with Klayton-based sports career management platform Project WITH to issue NFTs related to soccer and provide wrapping data. Project WITH is currently operating the sports player career management comprehensive platform WITH. Project WITH is a blockchain project built to provide opportunities for transfer and self-promotion to many players by allowing sports players to manage and provide their careers using data obtained through collaboration with players, clubs, agents and fans. An official at Triumph X said, “We plan to publish high-quality content in a variety of fields through NFT, and we look forward to showing sports-related NFT to soccer fans through this MOU.”Various NFTs purchased from ENFTEE will be available for trading on the NFT marketplace SOLE-X, which is scheduled to be released in April.。
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