

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势 但有效数据存储实现量的突破

冰河分布式存储实验室2021-06-15 18:38:14





Reportingperiod: 2021.5.1-2021.5.31


FIL index was exclusively designed by Binghe Distributed Storage Lab, by leveraging market and on-chain data, aiming to quantitatively demonstrate health of the project in the context of Filecoin ecosystem. The index benchmarked itsvalues on the launch day of Filecoin (2020.10.15) and comprised three sub index: FIL market index which weights 40% of its value, FIL sealing index which weights 40% and FIL ecosystem index which weights 20%.



【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 1: Change in FIL index monthly average values, 2020.10-2021.5


Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2020/5/31

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 2: Change in FIL index in May, 2020

数据来源:雅典娜浏览器(https://www.atpool.com/zh-CN/ )、Google公开数据,2021/5.31

Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2020/5/31l


In line with trend of FIL price, effective storage power and amount of stored data in the network, the popularity of Filecoin project will also change accordingly. In May, due to the plunge of FIL, the FIL index dropped from a high of around 8300 points in April to around 6000 points.


The average value of FIL index in May was about 28% lower than that of last month, while the average value of FIL market index dropped 42.8% ; the average value of FIL sealing index increased by 9.1% and the average value of FIL ecosystem index decreased by 48.1%.The continuous positive growth and development of Filecoin project is still largely working on building data storage infrastructure.


The standard deviation of FIL index in May was 570, which was nearly 150 lower than that in April. Although the price of FIL in this month fluctuated greatly and the ecosystem development speed of FIL varied, the values of FIL index tended to be more stable with the volatility decreased. The sustainable development of Filecoin is inseparable from FILl's strong performance in the secondary market as well as the efficiency in data encapsulation and enrichment in the decentralized data storage ecosystem.


Section 2: FIL index component-FIL market index details

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure3: Change in FIL market index, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31l


In May, the FIL market showed a significantfluctuation and a downward trend. The continuous fluctuation of FIL price and the increasing wait-and-see sentiment of crypto investors make FIL secondary market at inactive in terms of trading volume, number of new wallet addresses and other market indicators.


The main influencing factors of FIL market index are the price trend of FIL and the change of turnover rate. The abnormality of FIL market index value in May 7 and 30 is mainly due to the abnormal statistics caused by network upgrade. We believe that the heat of FIL market should be maintained at a low level of 3000-4000 points this month.


Among the investors in the primary market, the leading cryptocurrency fund like Gray Scale increased 2500 FIL and 1291 FIL holdings on May 6 and 20 respectively, and the total position of Gray Scale on FIL reached to 53100 regardlessofshrinkageofcryptomarketcap.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure4:Change in new adding FIL adresses, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31l

5月平均每天新增FIL钱包地址数为3755 ,较4月均值减少12.2%。

The dailyaverage number of new FIL wallet addresses in Maywas 3755, a 12.2% lower than that in April.


In May, the number of new FIL addresses per day maintained a relatively stable trend. Although there are some surges at certain time due to network upgrade , its value fluctuated around 2200-4000 most time. The number of new FIL addresses per day is in a relatively inactive state, and the willingnessto buy FIL is weak.


Due to the fall of FIL price, the number of new FIL addresses per day returned to the level whenFIL price is below $70 in March, which reflected the aggravation of wait-and-see sentiment in the secondary market.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 5: Change in probabilityof FIL payoff and loss, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31l


The FIL price continued to callback inMay, with the average price of $99.5, the highest price of $163.6 and the lowest price of $62.3. The highest price is 64.72% higher than the average price while the lowest price is 37.39% lower.


As the price of FIL adjusted back from more than $150 at the beginning of the month to around $65 at the end of the month. This halving the price has made the 30 trading days average price continue to decline, thus greatly increasing the loss probability of short and medium-term investors who bought FIL at a higher price in April.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 6: Change in FIL turnover, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31


The daily average of FIL turnover rate in Maywas 50.52%, which was nearly 32% higherthan that in April.


The higher turnover rate indicates that the market is more active, and the network value is easier to be undervalued. When the FIL price fluctuates more this month, the turnover rate rises significantly.


Especially on May 19 and 20, the turnover rate exceeded 100%, which means that the total volume of FIL traded on the market far exceeded the circulation of FIL, indicating that the main playershas replaced, and a new market will appear.


Due to the high turnover rate of FIL in the middle and late May aswell as the bottom of FIL price has been formed. This shows that there are obvious signs of new capital intervention, and there is relatively large room for future rise.

三、 FIL指数成分-FIL封装热度指数解读

Section 3: FIL index component- FIL sealingindex details

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 7: Change in FIL sealingindex, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31


The average FIL sealingindexin Maywas 7363 points, increasing9.1% compared with that of April.


In May, FIL sealingindex continued to grow steadily with an average daily growth rate of 2%, which is equivalent to the average daily growth rate of effective computing power of the whole network.


On the one hand, the continuous grow of FIL mining index benefits from the steady growth of the effective storagepower of the whole network, on the other hand, it is also due to decrease in data sealing cost due to change in baseline fee.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 8: Change in active miners, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31


The average number of effective nodesin Maywas 2111, up 19.4% from the average in April.


In May, the average daily increase in effective storagepower reached 37PiB, with an average daily growth rate of 0.68%, which was slower than that of last month.


However, the number of effective nodesis still smaller than the number of participating nodesin the whole network. Although there is a large number of nodesin the whole network, on the one hand, it proves that Filecoin gains traction as more and more nodes participate in the service, but the proportion of nodes that really participate in the service of Filecoin network is still low and it needs to wait for the continuous encapsulation of data to become active.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 9: Change in datasealingcost, April/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31


The average datasealing cost in May was 9.5 FIL / TiB, 25% lower than that in April.


In May, the datasealingcost continued to decline, from close to 13FIL / TiB to around 7.5FIL/TiB. Due to the adjustment of the baselinerate and the upgrade of the whole network efficiency, the gas fee consumption will continue to decline.

而Filecoin6月即将发生的V13 HyperDrive升级将带来趋近于0的gas消耗,同时将全网效率提升10-25倍。

The upcoming V13 HyperDrive upgrade of Filecoin in June will bring gas consumption close to zero and increase the efficiency of the whole network by 10-25 times.


Section 4: FIL index component- FIL ecosystem index details

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 10: Change in FIL ecoststem index, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2020/5/31


The average value of FIL ecosystem index in Maywas 6053 points, an decrease of nearly 48% compared to that in April.


In May, the FIL ecosystem index remained relatively stable, around 6000, and the ecosystem development was relatively slow.


This month, FIL ecosystemachieved a breakthrough in effective data storage. At the same time, 150 teams applied to join the Filecoin launchpad to empower innovation into the ecosystem development of Filecoin.

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破图11:5月Github提交数变化

Figure 11: Change in Github proposals, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, Githubopen data, 2020/5/31

【FIL指数月报】5月虽整体市场呈现下滑趋势  但有效数据存储实现量的突破


Figure 12: Change on Google retrieval Index, May/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2020/5/31


In May, Filecoin remained inactive in the developer community, with only 27 proposals submitted to Github.


In May, the activity of Filecoin among general community was stable. Compared with April, the average daily retrieval index of Filecoin on Google was about 47, showing it is relatively active at global scale.


In May, there were 1794 valid data storage orders in the whole network, with38TiB stored data which was nearly three times and two times higher than that in April respectively. Although the effective data volume still accounted for a small proportion compared with the effective storage resources, the data storage realized a substantial increase in this month. In the future, with the development of Filecoin network towards rewarding effective data storage, the practical value of Filecoin network will be realized.

