


冰河分布式存储实验室2021-07-15 18:21:04





Reportingperiod: 2021.6.1-2021.6.30


FIL index was exclusively designed by Binghe Distributed Storage Lab, by leveraging market and on-chain data, aiming to quantitatively demonstrate health of the project in the context of Filecoin ecosystem. The index benchmarked itsvalues on the launch day of Filecoin (2020.10.15) and comprised three sub index: FIL market index which weights 40% of its value, FIL sealing index which weights 40% and FIL ecosystem index which weights 20%.





Figure 1: Change in FIL index monthly average values, 2020.10-2021.6


Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2021/6/30



Figure 2: Change in FIL index in June, 2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2021/6/30l


lThe Filecoin project is affected by multiple dimensions such as the price of FIL tokens, the effective computing power of the entire network, and stored data, and its popularity will also change accordingly. Although the price of FIL fell in June compared with the previous month, the effective computing power and stored data of the entire network maintained a constant increase, making the monthly average of the FIL index slightly increased from 6,019 points in May to 6,560 points.


lThe average value of the FIL composite index in June increased by about 9% from the previous month, and the average value of the FIL market heat index decreased by 29.3% from the previous month; the average value of FIL packaging heat increased by 25.3% from the previous month; the average value of the FIL ecological heat index increased by 20.7% from the previous month .The continuous positive growth and development of Filecoin project is still largely working on building data storage infrastructure.


lThe standard deviation of the FIL index in June was 850, an increase of nearly 280 compared to May. The value of the FIL index series has become more discrete and fluctuating this month, indicating that although Filecoin has maintained a stable improvement in data packaging performance, the FIL price fluctuates The nature is relatively large, and the speed of ecological development varies. The volatility of the Filecoin project is closely linked to FIL's wait-and-see sentiment in the secondary market.


Section 2: FIL index component-FIL market index details



Figure3: Change in FIL market index, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30l


lIn June, the FIL market fluctuated relatively smoothly. The continued volatility of FIL prices and the increased wait-and-see sentiment of the crypto investor market have made the FIL secondary market at a relatively low level in terms of market indicators such as trading volume and the number of new wallet addresses.


lThe average value of FIL market popularity this month has remained at a low level of 3259 points. The main influencing factors of the FIL market popularity index are FIL price trends and changes in turnover rates. The abnormality of the FIL market popularity value in June on June 30 is mainly due to the good news that the network system upgrade on July 1 can reduce gas costs.


lAmong the primary market investors, despite the shrinking market value of the entire cryptocurrency market, the cryptocurrency funds represented by Grayscale increased by 394, 294, and 784 on June 9, June 17, and June 22, respectively. FIL, Grayscale's total holdings of FIL reached 54,800.



Figure4:Change in new adding FIL adresses, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30l

l6月平均每天新增FIL钱包地址数为2355 ,较5月均值减少37.3%。

lThe average number of new FIL wallet addresses per day in June was 2,355, a decrease of 37.3% from the average in May.


lDue to the fall in FIL prices, the average value of FIL prices during the month was below $70, resulting in an overall decrease in the number of new wallet addresses in June compared to May. Although there was a large increase in data on June 30, the rest of the time Fluctuates around 1800-3200. The number of daily new wallets is in a sluggish state, FIL purchase willingness has weakened, and the wait-and-see sentiment in the secondary market has increased.



Figure 5: Change in probabilityof FIL payoff and loss, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30ll


lFIL prices continued to fall in June. The average price of FIL during the month was $68.3, the highest price was $89.9, and the lowest price was $49.1; the highest price was 31.63% higher than the average price, and the lowest price was 28.11% lower than the average price..


lAs the price of FIL pulled back from around $80 at the beginning of the month to around $60 at the end of the month, the correction was about 25%. The average daily trading price of FIL continued to fall within 30 days of this month, which made it possible to buy FIL at a higher price in the short- and medium-term in May. The probability of a loss for holders trading this month has greatly increased.



Figure 6: Change in FIL turnover,June/2021

数据来源:雅典娜浏览器, 2021/6/30

Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30


lThe daily average of FIL turnover rate in June was 39.88%, which was nearly 24.1% lower than the average in May.

l换手率降低说明市场交易活跃度降低。在6月4日这天,换手率均超过100%,意味着市面上交易的FIL总量远远超过了FIL的流通量,说明当天主力完成更换;而后本月在 6月21日-6月24日 FIL价格由$60降至$50,换手率均相比其他时间有明显上升,说明这个阶段网络价值更容易被低估;而6月最后一周又逐步恢复稳定状态,说明FIL持有者观望情绪加重,等待利好消息刺激。

lThe decrease in turnover rate indicates a decrease in market transaction activity. On June 4, the turnover rate exceeded 100%, which means that the total amount of FIL traded on the market far exceeds the FIL circulation, indicating that the main force has completed the replacement on the same day; and then this month on June 21-6 On the 24th, the FIL price dropped from $60 to $50, and the turnover rate increased significantly compared with other times, indicating that the network value at this stage is more likely to be underestimated; and the last week of June gradually returned to a stable state, indicating that FIL holders wait and see Feeling aggravated, waiting for good news to stimulate.


lAs the average FIL turnover rate in the first ten days of June was slightly higher than the average FIL turnover rate in the second ten days, the average daily turnover rate of this month was much lower than that in May, indicating that the market is shrinking and market sentiment is down, and panic The market may truly stabilise only after sex is heavy.

三、 FIL指数成分-FIL封装热度指数解读

Section 3: FIL index component- FIL sealingindex details



Figure 7: Change in FIL sealingindex, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30


lThe average FIL package heat index in June was 9,223 points, an increase of 25.3% from the average in May.


lIn June, the FIL packaging heat index continued to grow steadily, with an average daily increase of 0.28%, which was equivalent to the average daily growth rate of the effective computing power of the entire network.


lThe continuous growth of FIL packaging heat is due to the steady growth of the effective computing power of the entire network on the one hand, and on the other hand the reduction in Gas consumption and the reduction in packaging pledge costs due to changes in the network benchmark rate.



Figure 8: Change in active Storage service provider, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30


lThe average number of effective nodes in June was 2,337, an increase of 10.7% from the average in May.


lIn June, the average daily new effective computing power reached 35.6PiB, and the average daily growth rate was 0.55%, which was slower than the previous month.


lAlthough the entire network has a large number of node bases, the number of effective nodes is still smaller than the number of participating nodes in the entire network. On the one hand, it also proves that Filecoin has attracted more and more nodes to participate; on the other hand, it shows that it is really involved. The proportion of nodes participating in the service of the Filecoin network is still small, and it is necessary to wait for the continuous encapsulation of node data.



Figure 9: Change in datasealingcost, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer,2021/6/30


lThe average cost of data packaging in June was 7.8FIL/TiB, a decrease of 17.9% from the average in May.


lThe cost of data packaging continued to decline in June, from 9.5FIL/TiB to around 6.8FIL/TiB. Due to the continuous reduction of the benchmark rate and the upgrade of the efficiency of the entire network, the consumption of gas fees decreased.

lFilecoin7月1日完成V13 HyperDrive升级,带来Gas消耗长期降费、促使存储服务商批量提交的改变。

lFilecoin completed the V13 HyperDrive upgrade on July 1, bringing about long-term cost reductions in gas consumption and prompting storage service providers to submit changes in batches.


Section 4: FIL index component- FIL ecosystem index details



Figure 10: Change in FIL ecoststem index, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, 2021/6/30


lThe average value of the FIL Ecological Heat Index in June was 7,303 points, an increase of nearly 20.7% from the average value in May.


lIn June, the FIL Ecological Heat Index increased from around 6000 points at the beginning of the month to around 8800 points at the end of the month. It shows that the development of ecological indicators gradually recovered in June.

l6月Filecoin官方团队公布了第二批Filecoin Plus公证人完整名单,新增DataCap份额分配已基本完成。大中华区包括冰河实验室在内共有8位主体得到正式席位,为Filecoin的生态发展注入新动力。

lIn June, the Filecoin official team announced the complete list of the second batch of Filecoin Plus notaries, and the distribution of the newly added DataCap shares has been basically completed. A total of 8 subjects in Greater China, including Glacier Labs, have received official seats, injecting new impetus into the ecological development of Filecoin.



Figure 11: Change in Github proposals, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, Githubopen data, 2021/6/30



Figure 12: Change on Google retrieval Index, June/2021


Source: ATPool Explorer, Google open data, 2021/6/30


lIn June, Filecoin was highly active in the developer community, and a total of 68 development proposals were submitted this month. This is an increase of about 2.5 times compared with May.


lIn June, Filecoin's activity in the general audience community was relatively stable. The average daily search index in Google was basically flat at about 36, which was an overall decrease of 23.4% compared with May. However, it remained relatively active in the global search field.


lIn June, the number of effective data storage orders on the entire network was as high as 3324, and the total size of storage data orders was about 58.6 TiB, which was nearly 1.9 times higher than that in May, and the total amount of stored data increased nearly 1.5 times, although the effective data volume still accounts for the effective computing power resources. Small, but data storage has achieved a significant increase this month. With continuous breakthroughs in effective data storage volume, Filecon will continue to integrate cutting-edge gameplay into the distributed storage ecosystem to promote the depth of the storage economy in the real world. Binding, realize its value.

